Bridgewater State University
Minnock Institute for Global Engagement
Bridgewater, MA 02325
(508) 531-6183
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Costa Rica

Travel Course: Geography of Coffee in Costa Rica

Term To Study: Winter Term 2020
Application Deadline: Oct 04, 2019
Program Starts: Jan 03, 2020
Program Ends: Jan 14, 2020
Program Category: One-Country
Program Type: Faculty-led
Program Fee: $3,275
Link 1: Scholarships & Financial Aid
Program Locations: San Jose
Contact Phone: 508-531-6183
Contact Name: Study Abroad Office
Contact Email:
What is Included: BSU 3-credit course, international airfare, accommodations, onsite transportation, itinerary activities, and most meals.

All dates are subject to change, +/- 1-3 days
What is not Included: Application fee, airline baggage fees, spending money & a few meals.
Estimated Costs: Program Price: $3,275

Additional Estimated Expenses not included in Program Price:
$25 Application Fee
$30-50 Additional Meals
$50 Airline Baggage Fees, if applicable
$50-$200 Personal Spending Money
Program Description

Faculty Leader:
Prof. James Hayes-Bohanan

Undergrad: GEOG 295
Graduate: GEOG 520

All dates are subject to change, +/- 1-3 days

Course Description
Geography of Coffee is a travel course that examines the human, physical, and environmental geography of coffee production and trade. Course readings focus on the economic geography of the coffee trade. Pre-departure lectures provide an overview of the global patterns of coffee production and its agronomy and processing. The two-week travel portion includes carefully chosen activities in coffeelands and elsewhere in a coffee-producing country, providing comprehensive exposure to the landscape and cultural environment from which coffee emerges. Activities include hikes in coffee plantations and related environments; detailed presentations by coffee producers, processors, traders, and labor organizers; and visits to non-governmental and academic institutions in the coffee-growing regions. The tour includes direct involvement with coffee-growing communities, including meals and overnight stays with farm families. Group meetings and student writing are used to integrate the lessons about geography that arise from readings and the travel experience.

Quick Facts

Population: 4636348
Capital: San Jose
Per-capita GDP: $ 12100
Size: 51100 km2
Time Zone: (GMT - 06:00 hours) Central Time (US & Canada)

US State Department

Travel Warning: YES
See :
Country Specific Info.

Bridgewater State University Study Abroad Office